Thoughts about the movie "IF"

Posted on 2024/05/21 21:45

Just saw the latest movie by Canadian national treasure, Ryan Reynolds...the latest kids movie, "IF", not the much anticipated Deadpool sequel. This movie follows a young girl who discovers she can see Imaginary Friends who have been abandoned by their kids due to having grown up. And trying to find them a place in the world so they don't just disappear, which is a thing that can happen apparently. Overall not too bad, kinda funny in places, kinda also giving you lots of feels too. Especially as the movie opens with a flashback montage of life leading up to her mom dying of some sickness (cancer?) before starting with her arriving at her gran's cos her dad in hospital with some kind of heart condition.

Why do kids movies these days like to kick us in the feels? I think there was a kid in the row behind me and they seemed to be having a whale of a time though, so maybe it is only us jaded emotionally damaged adults whose feelings take a kicking watching these movies? That said, it is far more gentle than say Up, or Inside Out was so my feels are only slightly bruised rather than having taken a 2 hour long pounding.

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