Dune (21st century edition) review

Posted on 2024/03/01 13:35

When I heard my local cinema was going to do a double bill of the two parts of the new Dune, I booked tickets ASAP, because who wouldn't? It was quite a late one as the 2nd part started just after midnight, but definitely worth it.

I don't recall if I wrote a review of part 1, so I'm just going to do the whole thing now. Both parts are stunning - visually and aurally. There done 😁

It isn't completely faithful to the books. I noticed one glaring omission, namely in the book when Paul kills Jamis, he inherits his household, including his wife, whom he takes on as a servant. It doesn't overly affect the plot but I guess it is kind of sexist, viewing the wife almost like property, so I can see why it was left out. There are other differences, but they're very much plot relevant so I won't mention them.

Overall it feels so much more like the book than the previous attempt did tho. It is a lot more coherent for a start and manages to convey the deeper meaning easily without bogging us down with exposition or just throwing it at us in a confusing fashion. I wonder what Frank would have thought of it - he was apparently pleased with the 1984 version.

I also wonder if Villeneuve will carry on and film the other books?

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