Madame Web review

Posted on 2024/02/27 22:01

Sony's latest offering in the Spiderverse is a character I'm heard of, but knew absolutely nothing about prior to watching it. Not that I know much more than what the movie tells us - she's a spider bite victim with precog abilities, but none of the fun wall crawling, super strength or web powers. A super Mystic Meg if you will. And it is that ability that is the core function of the movie - she sees or experiences something bad and then relives it with the knowledge to avoid or stop it.

I also have no idea how the movie fits in the grand scheme of things. It is set before Spiderman exists and no other mention of superheroes is mentioned, so whilst it is a colab with Marvel, I can't tell how adjacent to the MCU it is. Maybe Sony are planning on yet another Spiderman reboot? Or maybe since they've introduced us to some new characters, they'll spin a whole new Spiderfranchise around them?

Anyway, it is a very enjoyable movie. But I can imagine the cheetos munching basement dwellers are getting their tighty whiteys in a knot over yet another female led superhero movie diluting the vastly male dominated genre.

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