Anything But You review

Posted on 2024/02/12 21:30

"Anything But You" has joined an ever increasing number of movies that have a specific set of traits that I appear to enjoy. They're all romcoms and modern adaptations of Shakespear plays. I didn't know the latter about ABY before I went and saw it - the trailer looked like any other romcom. But it became very apparent as the movie progressed because they kept having quotes from the Bard popping up on the scenery and props - like on a wall or the spine of a book - very much like chapter headings. Plus there are some scenes that look like they could have been lifted from a play where 2 characters talk loudly and pointedly knowing full well they're being overheard by one of the protagonists. Not that it means much to me, but it's based on Much Ado About Nothing - despite the aforementioned love of the niche genre, I don't know much about the original plays. But Shakespear knew his stuff and the modern remakes keep enough of the good stuff to make them very enjoyable.

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