My thoughts on Argylle

Posted on 2024/02/09 21:07

I really really enjoyed Argylle. I don't tend to try and over think movies to work out their twists, so naturally was surprised by the various twists in this one. And there were an awful lot of twists. And lots of cool action shots too. Henry looked a little odd with his weird Guile-like square shaped buzz cut thing going on with his hair, but he's clearly having fun being an action spy book character doing outlandish things. Also Bryce was awesome 😍

This is definitely on my list of movies to grab when it comes out on shiny disc.

The only thing I wasn't impressed by was the cat. The poor thing spends most of the film stuck in a backpack looking out through a glass dome, which gave the impression it was all done with CGI - like when you see a character pasted badly onto a window as the camera pans backwards. And there was the really out of place "designed for 3d" shot of the cat being catapulted upwards when the protagonists land on the crash mat next to it. The cat does get let out of the bag (chortle) and it looks like a real one, maybe there really was an actual cat involved.

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