Aquaman - The Lost Kingdom review

Posted on 2023/12/23 18:36

I've also recently watched the final film in the (first) doomed attempt by DC to copy what Marvel are doing - Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom.

The first Aquaman movie was OK. A good solid foundation for an extended universe. Except DC had their building plans upside down, and it came after what should have been the culmination of several other foundational movies. This movie is OK too, but not overly amazing. Kind of like how we felt about Iron Man 2, or Thor 2, this sequel doesn't live up to its predecessor.

This time they've decided to take a new plot and have Black Mantis try and kill Aquaman. He teams up with an Atlantian king who gifts him powerful tech. And the king wants to wipe out everyone. Hmmmm, ok, maybe it ain't so different after all. Which is pretty much the problem with this movie. It also reuses classic tropes like "losing" a place cos it was evil because the best way to deal with such things is to have them stricken from all records, so when they are "found" no-one has any idea about them. Or having a place use necro in their name - always a clear sign that the place is evil.

But it is still vastly better than The Flash and fine as just a popcorn "switch your brain off" kind of movie.

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