My Blog
This is very much a work in progress. One day I might even post something worth reading.
I haven't been very good at posting here much have I? Oops. I guess it doesn't help that so many people didn't migrate over to here and have instead gone to a variety of other places. Or just shrugged at the horrors happening where they already are and continued on as normal.
Anyway, despite the TPK earlier in the year, I've now got back to a decent level of chilli plant growing - 7 happy looking plants, some of which have started to fruit. And so far, no sign of any aphids which is usually what kills off anything I've got growing. Also growing some strawberries which also seem to be doing OK - having never tried growing them before, I have no idea what to expect. I wonder if strawberries would make a good chilli sauce?
@jonnynexus I see you've wandered over to the SFF author instance
Planted 7 more seedlings this morning, bringing the total up to 24...which happens to be the size of my propagating tray. One of the new batch had 3 cotyledon which I've not had before. #gardening #chillies
My babies have their first leaves! Not their first true leaves, but the cotyledon ones that seedlings start off with. And it looks like some of the seeds that I left on the paper towel are finally getting their act together too. #gardening #chillies
I've just planted 17 baby chilli seedlings from 7 out of the 10 varieties I tried to germinate. Now comes the wait to see if I've not killed them and if they'll grow into nice big healthy plants #gardening #chillies